Tag Archives: lies

We’ve All Had Fake Girlfriends, Right?

17 Jan

Manti Te’o’s girlfriend doesn’t exist. Shocker of the year, the girl who pulled at everyone’s heart dying hours after Te’o’s grandmother passed. Te’o heartbroken played after both deaths, yet only attended one funeral. Here is where the story takes a twist.

You know all the facts by now, and if you don’t go to Deadspin they deserve all the credit for this.

Te’o stated he met this girl at Stanford, problem is she never went to Stanford or had a car crash or died.

Te’o then said he recived a call from his “dead” girlfriend saying she wasn’t dead? Who the fuck knows.

Manti Te’o had to know this was fake. He lied about her, her death, the roses he sent her, talking to her until they fell asleep. It’s all fake, and he knew about it the entire time. It’s a hell of a story. Shit every college football fan knew about his hardships. We all now know he is a liar.